31 pyramids in Egypt, including the Giza pyramid complex, may originally have been built along a 64-km-long branch of the...
Even in dry times, Waller Creek on The University of Texas at Austin campus is never without water. That’s because...
Measuring some 45 centimeters long and weighing between 24 and 32 kilos, they are triangular in shape, resembling a Toblerone...
Evidence from archaeological sites in the medieval English city of Winchester shows that English red squirrels once served as an...
A new Netflix documentary has recreated the face of a 75,000-year-old female Neanderthal whose flattened skull was discovered and rebuilt...
A fresh examination of landscape evolution casts new light on migration of the first humans to Sahul – the expansive...
The Tibetan plateau—the world’s highest and largest plateau—poses a challenge to the people who live there because of its extreme...
Conducted by an international team of scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Leipzig, Germany), Géoscience et Environnement...
For sports fans, places like Fenway Park, Wembley Stadium or Wimbledon's Centre Court are practically hallowed ground.Credit: ANDREW HIGLEY For...
The Dura-Europos site in modern-day Syria is famous for its exceptional state of preservation. Like Pompeii, this ancient city has...
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